The technological tools of today are designed to engage and motivate learners with interactive and collaborative programs, digital movies, music, and photography. By utilizing these tools in the classroom, amazing things can happen. Our students are more motivated to learn, feel a stronger connection to the subject matter, and spend more time on task.
Saint Mary School has integrated dynamic “hands-on” Science Technology Engineering ART Mathematics (STEAM) labs at our school. These labs compliment core curriculum and are designed to pique student interest in STEAM areas through participating in interactive and collaborative labs. All grades levels, from Kindergarten to Eighth grade participate in a variety of labs each year. The labs vary in length and subject matter, but are truly unique and sometimes, well, wild! Our school continues to be a local leader in innovative education.
Few schools have such a fully-integrated, technology-forward learning environment like we have at our school. Our cutting-edge program includes:
We want to engage students in ways that match how they best learn and interact in today’s world. We are constantly examining and implementing new aspects into our technology curriculum. Our Technology Education Committee (TEC) evaluates the technological needs of our school and serves as a fund raising committee in which proceeds are used specifically for the advancement of educational technology for the students and faculty. TEC helps ensure that the school continues to offer the latest and greatest in technology for our students.